A phenomenological inquiry into the nature of love, emotion and consciousness. Read what I think and contribute questions

Friday 10 October 2008

Mandatory Preamble

What is love?

Much is written in art and philosophy about love and much is talked about it in our day-to-day lives. I have always been interested in the subject a little beyond the question 'Where is the...?' but have always felt that most attempts to make sense of this complex emotion/state of being/mode of behaviour tend to confuse the issue more than is necessary.

Some people even seem offended at the presumption to reduce or explain this most profound and sacred mystery of the human condition, as if greater understanding would cheapen our relationships and cheapen us. Perhaps it would, but only if you think so little of the complexities and nuance of consciousness as to think that a better understanding of the subject would yield no further questions. A more practical justification for the presumption to understand is that I believe a confusion over what we want, or expect, from love is one of the root causes of some of the meanest and most hurtful acts that we commit in our lifetimes. Clearer thinking on matters of the heart may help to, if not prevent, then at least mitigate some of the hurts that we feel and cause.

'The Logic of Love' is a misleading title - No, I do not think love or any emotion, for that matter, is 'logical' in a strictly rational, Vulcan sense but nor is it sufficient to write it off as mysterious and therefore unfathomable. Love follows it's own logic. Our task is not to impose logic upon it but to probe the thoughts, feelings and experiences that we have had to try to uncover how we got there, where it might lead us and perhaps uncover some base responses that we all share despite our drastically differing beliefs and behaviours.

My approach then, will be a phenomenological inquiry into consciousness, with consciousness as it's higher aim. At times it may appear reductive but it is not intended to be so - we must never lose sight of the glorious complexity of our ever-changing consciousness holistically affected by every millisecond of experience of the world and self. Affection affects us and our object of affection - and this is precisely why love is so fascinating - it is the single most consciousness-forming aspect of our lives.

Students of philosophy will notice some Kantian, Hegelian and perhaps some Satrean ideas in the blog - this you may enjoy or find infuriating. If you are not familiar with these thinkers then this blog is for you especially: partly because I will try to write in a way that requires no prior knowledge, partly because being unfamiliar with my source material will make me seem much smarter but primarily because my readings of these guys will be loose and, more than likely, inaccurate. Most of my ideas come from lived experience and impassioned debate with friends, foes and loved ones.

The structure of the blog will be as follows; I will try to outline some of my thinking on the subject thus far. Once you and I are satisfied that I've covered some basic premises I will jump into topics of interest, in no particular order, based on what takes my fancy or on any questions or challenges. The blog format is ideal for the solidification of half-baked ideas as it allows for a dialogue, albeit a dialogue that I can keep control over for the purpose of focus and clarity.

I will try, but not promise, to post regularly and respond to comments by incorporating them and testing my own thoughts against them. Please do contribute through the replies, email or in person.

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